You need to ask yourself 3 questions to know if your anxiety is normal or if it’s time to seek help.
Am I anxious about something specific or do i stay anxious in general?
✅ Normal anxiety arises in response to specific triggers like exam or dance performance. Clinical anxiety tends to be more pervasive and persistent, without having a particular cause.
Is my anxiety making everyday functioning difficult for me?
✅ Normal anxiety might cause temporary discomfort, but it doesn't significantly impair your ability to carry out daily tasks. Clinical anxiety, however, can interfere with work, relationships, and overall quality of life.
How long do I feel anxious for?
✅ Normal anxiety is short-lived and fades when the trigger is resolved. Clinical anxiety persists for long time with symptoms lasting weeks, months, or even years.
Now that you have a better idea about the difference, you would be able to better make the decision about seeking help.
Until next time, keep reflecting! 💜
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Stay Awesome!😁